Monday, May 21, 2012

Reflection: Truth, or Dare to Call God a Liar? (May 20, 2012)

The 7th Sunday of Easter
Acts 1:12-26; 1 John 5:9-15; John 17:11-19

In the book "Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics" author Ross Douthat traces the changes in American Christianity from orthodoxy (i.e., sound in doctrine) to the mess we currently have on our hands in which the teachings of Jesus have been obscured, twisted, and dismissed. Not surprisingly, the turning point that put us on this slide into heresy was our change in attitude toward the Bible. Once the Bible was open to personal interpretation, subject to "scientific" scrutiny, and filled with problems that we need to root out, our culture entered into a spiritual death spiral. Sadly, treating God's Word in this way is not new.

For example, Thomas Jefferson physically cut and pasted the Bible to suit himself. We have to go back much further than that to find the earliest instance of people despising God's Word. When we do, we discover that treating God's Word with contempt is not unique to Americans, but is a problem that we share with every human being. Misusing and abusing God's Word is part of our human heritage following the first time a person thought that it could be untrue: Adam breaking God's command in the Garden of Eden. This means that all of us have a natural tendency to reject God's Word as truth. When we do, we call God a liar.

1 John 5:10 spells it out rather clearly, "Anyone who does not believe God has made Him out to be a liar." Rejecting this simple proposition, people protest that the Bible can't be used to validate itself, seek to discredit the authenticity of 1 John, and even try to interpret away the meaning of this verse. However people try to get around it, in the end it boils down to either a person believes that the Bible is truth or he dares to call God a liar. It's important to realize that this is not an intellectual exercise, but that believing the Bible is the truth of God is something a person is only able to do by faith. Without faith, a person can only call God a liar and will perish because of it. By faith, we receive His truth and with it forgiveness, salvation, and life in His Son. It's also by faith that we understand that the reason that God wrote the Bible in the first place is that people would know the truth and not perish, but have eternal life. Like His Word, He was willing to be despised, abused, and rejected to keep us from perishing. And that's the truth.

Audio file of the sermon "Truth, or Dare to Call God a Liar?"

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