Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reflection: There Is No Other (April 29, 2012)

The Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 4:1-2; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18

Imagine going into a restaurant and finding that there is only one item on the menu or shopping for new shoes at a store that only had one style of shoe. It's hard for us to conceive of such a business existing in America, at least for long. We expect variety and choice in our food, clothing, entertainment, health care, furnishings, automobiles, and just about everything else in our lives. It's little wonder that we expect choices in our religion as well.

The word 'religion' has fallen into disfavor. It's more popular to speak of being spiritual rather than religious. People have the mistaken idea that religion has to do with institutions. They want to be able to define their own beliefs and practices. They don't want to be restricted by anything or anyone else. 'Spiritual' sounds appealing — and freeing. Influenced by this, some Christians insist that Christianity is a relationship not a religion. This also sounds appealing and freeing — and is misleading. While it's true that Christianity involves a relationship with Jesus, it is not simply a relationship. It's a religion.

The Latin root of 'religion' means "to be bound together again." 'Religion' conveys that our relationship with God has been broken and needs to be repaired; that we've been separated from God and long to be bound to Him again. The word itself is neutral. There can be good religion and bad religion, effective religion and useless religion, true religion and false religion. A religion that fails to bind us back together with God (i.e., repair our broken relationship with Him) is bad, useless, and false. Only a good, effective, and true religion brings us back into fellowship with God. So, the issue facing us isn't whether we are spiritual or religious, but what religion we embrace.

The religion that Jesus calls us to is centered in the relationship that we have with Him through His mystical body, the Church. Apart from His Church, no one can have a relationship with Him. This is not only deeply spiritual, it's the religion that Jesus Himself has established. In a world of products, services, and religions designed to win our choice as we ponder our options, the Church continues to offer the same religion that it has for thousands of years because it is the only way to having a relationship with Jesus. "Salvation is found in no one else." Only Jesus. Only His religion. There is no other.

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