Monday, May 21, 2012

Reflection: Rising Above It All (May 17, 2012)

Luke 24:44-53

There's an old saying that goes, "Never wrestle with a pig. You'll both get covered in mud — and that's what a pig enjoys." This saying is probably based on 2 Peter 2:22 which describes how a fool returns to his folly: "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud." Both of these sayings are telling us that we shouldn't try to argue with or correct people who are stuck in their foolish ways, especially when those ways are messy and destructive. They are calls to rise above the situation. It makes sense. But it's so hard to do.

We tend to get caught up in messy situations rather than rise above them. This is especially true when we are slighted or maligned by other people. We want to set the record straight, defend our good names, and make sure that people know that we are in the right. In other words, we "wrestle with the pig." Even when we manage to convince people that we have been wronged, we're still covered in mud. The price we end up paying is rarely worth it. Most of the time, we would have been better off if we had chosen to rise above it all.

Whatever hardships and injustices we may endure in this life, we can be sure that Jesus suffered greater ones. In the first place, He had to set aside His power, glory, and majesty to come to us who were hopelessly mired in sin and death. When He did, He had to experience the pain, sorrow, and suffering of living in a fallen world with sinful people. Even though He came in love and did nothing to harm anyone, He was falsely accused, called horrible names, beaten and mocked for speaking the truth, and then crucified for crimes He did not commit. Although it was the greatest injustice in all of human history, Jesus did not complain or defend Himself. Instead, He rose above it all and committed Himself to the Father's will. Pleased with His Son's sacrifice, the Father raised Him from the dead in the Resurrection and then returned Him to His rightful place in the Ascension. Now, because He has risen above all things, we are assured that we have an Advocate who hears our pleas, understands the injustices we endure, and empowers us to rise above it all.

Audio file of the sermon "Rising Above It All"

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