The 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 49:1-7; 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; John 1:29-42a
One of the unintended consequences of identifying some students as “gifted” is that other students consider themselves as not gifted. Of course, that is not true. While not every student is gifted in ways that help them excel in academics, every student is gifted. Some are gifted as athletes, others as debaters, and others still as musicians. Some gifts are recognized through programs or clubs. Other gifts are not accommodated by schools but have outlets elsewhere. In one way or another, whether acknowledged or not, every student is gifted. In much the same way, every Christian is gifted.

As in academic settings, we’re tempted to see being gifted in the church as something that only applies to a select few. We consider the pastor gifted in preaching and teaching. We consider the singers and instrumentalists gifted in music. We consider others as gifted with leadership, compassion, hospitality, or some other gift that we don’t possess. But many of us are likely to think that we are not gifted. It shows in how few people are actively involved in ministry. When people don’t see themselves as gifted they are far less likely to answer the call to serve in the church. But seeing ourselves as not gifted goes against God’s Word and His will. In today’s Epistle lesson we are told that “in every way you were enriched in Him” and that “you are not lacking in any gift.” The gifts that we’ve been given were given because God has called us “to be saints together.” No one of us has all of the gifts necessary to do the work that we’ve been given to do. It takes bringing together the gifts that have been given to each of us individually for us to accomplish God’s will for us. When any one of us is convinced that he or she is not gifted, all of us suffer a loss and are hindered in our work. Satan’s strategy for keeping us from effectively sharing the love, joy, and peace of Jesus is simple: divide and conquer. He does this by convincing believers that they have nothing to offer and that their talents, their financial resources, their time, their relationships, and their abilities are not enough. In other words, that they are not sufficiently gifted to be faithful servant-stewards of Jesus.
God’s Word plainly states that every Christian is gifted. Consider other believers gifted and rejoice in their giftedness, but don’t think for a moment that you have been excluded because someone else has a gift that you don’t have. God has gifted you according to His will and the plans that He has for you as His servant-steward. Consider yourself gifted.
Click to listen to the sermon "Consider Yourself Gifted" (or right-click to download the MP3 file).
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