Thursday, January 2, 2014

Reflection: All in Due Time (December 29, 2013)

The 1st Sunday after Christmas
Isaiah 63:7-14; Galatians 4:4-7; Matthew 2:13-23

The close of the calendar year is a good time to reflect on the events of the past year. Our “year in review” includes news events that have impacted our world, the deaths of famous people, the championships won by sports teams, etc. On a personal level, we evaluate progress on our goals, rejoice in family additions through births and marriages, mark the successes we’ve enjoyed in our workplaces or schools, etc. But, as we consider all that has been accomplished, our “year in review” also reminds us of the things that have been left unfinished, goals that were abandoned, losses we’ve endured, setbacks that have challenged us, etc. Depending on how the year has gone, the “year in review” can be disheartening. When it is, we might look for comfort in the thought that what we desire will come in due time. But today’s reading from Isaiah offers a far better word of comfort when it calls us to “recount the steadfast love of the Lord.”

Recounting how God has been active and faithful over the past year provides us with a perspective on the successes and failures, the gains and losses, and the joys and sorrows of our lives that the world cannot provide. It moves us beyond personal goals and desires to seeking God’s will and purposes. It shows us that, while the things that we want in and for our lives may actually never come about, everything that God has willed and promised does come in due time. We can see this in the birth and early life of Jesus, who came into our world “when the fullness of time had come,” that is, in due time.

The “due time” of Jesus’ life was not the perfect time because He was well received and celebrated. Nor was it the right time because His life would be easy and comfortable. It was the due time for quite the opposite reasons. The “fullness of time” included people and circumstances that would challenge and oppose Jesus. He came into a world that had no place for Him, was sought out for destruction by Herod, had to be carried off to a foreign land for safety, and was later settled in a small village far away from the center of power and influence in His world. Eventually He would take up a cross and win the victory He came to win, but that would have to wait until He had accomplished all that He had been “born of a woman, born under the law” to do. All in due time. As one who has received the benefits of all that Jesus has accomplished, may the close of this year find you recounting the steadfast love of the Lord and faithfully serving Him to accomplished His will in your life with patience, perseverance, and confidence that He will do it all in due time.

Click to listen to the sermon "All in Due Time" (or right-click to download the MP3 file).

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