Isaiah 60:1-8; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12
We are surrounded by light. The modern world, through the use of electricity, has illuminated our homes, sports facilities, streets, shopping plazas, parks, neighborhoods, etc. There is light in every aspect of our society, except one. For all the physical light that we have poured into our world, most people continue to live in spiritual darkness. The spiritual darkness that covers our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family members isn't simply the evil things with which they occupy themselves. It goes deeper than the pornography, violence, and satanic arts that fill our culture, because it doesn't come from what people have but it comes from what they’re missing. The spiritual darkness of this world results from the absence of the light of Christ in their lives. Without Him, “darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the people.” And it does.

Today’s readings are filled with action words that guide our response to the good news that the light of Christ has come into our lives. The two that capture the force of our calling are found in Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine, for your light has come …” The word ‘arise’ means more than getting up from our comfortable seats. It is a call to take our place of power, to rise up to our station in life as God’s children and ambassadors. It vividly informs us that our oppression by sin and death is over. We can rise up because we’ve been set free from all that weighed us down. We are to take our place and then ‘shine,’ which is better translated as ‘to become bright.’ In our words, actions, and life we are to pierce the darkness that once held us and still holds many. As we become brighter and brighter in the love and grace of God, the world around us is illuminated with the light of Christ. The light that has come to us spreads out to others as “His glory will be seen upon you.” Rejoice and be glad, for your light has come. In Christ you have been given the “boldness and access with confidence” to rise and shine!
Audio file of the sermon "Your Light Has Come. Now What?"
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