Isaiah 7:10-14; 1 John 4:7-16; Matthew 1:18-25

Like loyalties to product brands, loyalties to Christian denominations has diminished significantly over the past couple of generations. As church bodies have adapted to this trend away from “brand” identities in order to attract or keep members, much of what once differentiated denominations has faded away. In place of clear and distinct confessions of Christ being associated with one kind of church or another, America is now filled with confusion about what churches are and what they teach. The movement toward a “lowest common denominator” among churches means that church names don’t necessary mean anything anymore. Once a church’s name said it all, but now it doesn't mean much. Worse yet, it offers no assurance that the Christianity that is confessed and practiced reflects the authentic Faith. Even the name “Christian” has been so watered down that it doesn't mean or say much.
Breaking through all of the noise and confusion brought about by shifting confessions and strategic naming of churches for marketing purposes, God’s Word establishes the name Jesus as the sole and lasting “brand name” for salvation. The angel first announced this name to Mary and then told Joseph “you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” There is only one name by which we can be saved. This name was given to the child conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to a virgin named Mary. We celebrate His birth because through it God came to be with us to live, die, and rise for us. The name Jesus literally means “God saves.” The name says it all.
Audio file of the sermon "The Name Says It All."
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