Monday, September 10, 2012

Reflection: Not Keeping Jesus a Secret (September 9, 2012)

The 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 35:4-7a; James 2:1-10, 14-18; Mark 7:24-37

We might think that the Bible doesn't say that Jesus couldn’t do something, but today’s Gospel lesson says just that. After arriving in the village of Tyre, Jesus entered a house and tried to keep people from knowing that He was there, but “He could not keep His presence secret.” (Mark 7:24). It’s no surprise that Jesus was unable to move about secretly. He was very popular and people were seeking Him out. News of His teachings and healings were bringing people to Him from all over Galilee. Looking for rest, He journeyed to the Gentile territory of Phoenicia, but even there people had heard about Him. One of them, a woman whose daughter was possessed by a demon, showed her faith in Jesus by coming to Him and seeking His help. She was glad that Jesus couldn't keep His presence a secret.

Why do we try to do what Jesus was unable to do while He was in Tyre: keep His presence a secret? Although He has done even greater things for us than He did for the Syro-Phoenician woman, we hide Jesus in our lives and keep people from knowing Him. We have our reasons for being so quiet about Jesus, but in one way or another they all boil down to us being afraid. Whether we are afraid of being criticized, dismissed, ridiculed, or rejected, or if we face the unlikelihood of serious persecution and are afraid of bodily harm or death, fear drives us to keep Jesus a secret.

The book of James challenges us to confront our fears when it declares that “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James 2:17) God’s Word makes it clear that hiding faith (and, in turn, hiding Jesus) is not possible for us. Genuine faith in Jesus cannot be hidden by us any more than He could keep His presence a secret in Tyre. It’s true that fear always works and tempts us to hide our faith and hide our Savior, so God encourages us to set aside our fears and He promises us the strength of His presence. “Say to those with fearful hearts, ‘Be strong, do not fear; your God will come … He will save you.” (Isaiah 35:4) He has come. He has saved you. He does not keep His presence a secret, but shows Himself to you in many ways to ease your fears and give you the confidence to share, not hide, Jesus in your life — and to rejoice with those who are glad that we’re not keeping Jesus a secret.

Gracious Father, we rejoice that You did not keep hidden Your love for us, but while we were still Law breakers estranged from You and destined to eternal condemnation, You showed Your heart to us by sending Your Son into our world.  In His life You satisfied the righteous demands of Your holy Law.  Though His death, You revealed the full extent of Your love for us and rescued us by Your grace.  Grant us the courage, strength and faith to live our lives in ways that clearly reveal that Christ lives in us and we in Him so that others may also come to know Your love and grace.  Amen.

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