Sunday, August 19, 2012

Reflection: The Original Wonder Bread (August 12, 2012)

The 11th Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 19:1-18; Ephesians 4:17-5:2; John 6:35-51

The product Wonder Bread was introduced in 1921 and became a national brand four years later. Colorful packaging, innovations like packaged sliced loaves, and effective advertising made Wonder Bread a staple of the American diet, even though it lack any significant nutritional value. Through various initiatives, bakers began adding nutrients to Wonder Bread and other white breads after World War II. Advertising boasted to children growing up in the 1950s that "Wonder Bread builds strong bodies 8 ways." In the 1960s, they were told that it "Helps build strong bodies 12 ways," because even more nutrients were added into the recipe. Today’s Wonder Bread even includes whole wheat. It turns out that the original recipe Wonder Bread product was not so wonderful after all. It also turns out that the 1920s version wasn’t even the original Wonder Bread.

Long before a product took the name, the original Wonder Bread was making bodies whole and healing people of their diseases. More than this, the original Wonder Bread was bringing life to the dead. Of course, this didn’t happen because someone added a few more nutrients to a bread recipe, but came about “by the assumption of the humanity into God” when the Bread of Heaven took on human flesh and dwelt among us.

When Jesus called Himself the Bread of Life He added a promise to His claim. He said that whoever believed in Him would never grow hungry and never thirst. Of course, we know that many Christians have experienced hunger and thirst since Jesus made this promise (and, sadly, many are starving today). But we also know that the hunger and thirst that Jesus was speaking about goes much deeper than being without food and water. It’s the hunger and thirst that grips the person who has no hope, no peace, and no faith. He came to address our spiritual hunger and thirst in ways that no one else was able to. He promised that all who trust in Him will be spiritually satisfied, no matter what their circumstances in life may be. Whether we are hungry or well-fed, thirsty or refreshed, alone or in good company, happy or sad, healthy or struggling with health issues, etc., we find our hope, strength, and satisfaction in the Bread of Life — the original Wonder Bread who is truly wonderful.

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