Monday, July 2, 2012

Reflection: Though He Brings Grief

The 5th Sunday after Pentecost
Lamentations 3:22-33; 2 Cor. 8:1-9, 13-15; Mark 5:21-43

Does God cause suffering in our lives? There are a lot of Christians who would answer this question with an emphatic, “No!” Positive Thinking theology and the prosperity gospel have influenced many, maybe even most, Christians in our culture to think that God only wants us to experience joy, comfort, ease, and success in this world. They declare, “My god would never cause anyone to suffer!” And they are right because the god that they speak of is not the God of the Bible. That God, the true God, clearly says that He does cause suffering.

Why does God cause suffering? God Himself provides the answer when He says, “Though He brings grief, He will show compassion, so great is His unfailing love” (Lam. 3:32). It seems strange to us that God brings us grief (i.e., causes suffering) in order to show us His compassion so that we will know that His love never fails us. While God could (and does) use other ways of teaching us His love, our hardness of heart and slowness to learn make this the best way for us to know what His love means to us. In grief, suffering, and loss we are drawn to God. We despair of our own understanding of things and the thought of having control over our circumstances. After everything and everyone in our lives has failed us, we embrace our God as our only hope. This was certainly the case for Jairus.

Jairus came to Jesus while his daughter lay dying. He knew only Jesus could save her. In response to Jairus’ urgent pleas, Jesus consented to go to the dying girl. Why didn’t Jesus just say the word and heal her from afar? He did so elsewhere, why not in this urgent situation? The answer comes when word that his daughter has died meets Jairus on his way to her side with her Healer. Jesus knew that His delay would result in her death. He brought this terrible grief to Jairus along with a word of hope, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” When faced with such a stark contrast between the facts as we know them and the promise of God’s grace, we stand with Jairus in grief tempted to fear all kinds of things. Our problems loom large, solutions evaporate, and suffering settles in. But then God shows His compassion. His unfailing love breaks through our doubts and fears. He does more than we ask or imagine. He does the impossible. But first He brings grief.

Audio file of the sermon "Though He Brings Grief ..."

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