Jeremiah 31:1-6; Colossians 3:1-4; Matthew 28:1-10

While we may see the need to be reminded to rejoice in our hardships, it seems unnecessary to be reminded to rejoice on Easter. Today is a day that overflows with the joys of the empty tomb, the angels’ announcement that Christ has risen, Jesus appearing to the women at the tomb, and His assurance that there is no reason to fear because He lives. But, as wonderful as all of these things were for those who experienced the first Easter, none of their joys belong to us if we are disconnected from His resurrection. Very sadly, many people have no connection to the risen Christ — and even we can find ourselves feeling very disconnected at times. That’s when we need the reminder to rejoice. That’s why we need that reminder today.
Of all of the ways that God has demonstrated His love for you and reminds you of His favor toward you, the Cross of Jesus looms largest. The empty tomb that we celebrate today assures you that Christ’s work for you on the Cross is complete and is fully sufficient for your salvation. Joined to His Cross in Holy Baptism, you have inherited everything that Jesus accomplished through His sinless life, His sacrificial death, and His resurrection. You are loved without condition, forgiven of every single sin of thought, word, and action, and now live and will live eternally in Christ. No weakness in you, no sinful failure on your part, no troubling circumstance in your life, and no power in heaven or on earth can rob you of the treasures of His love and grace. The Cross and the empty tomb assure you and remind you that you belong to Him forever. Rejoice!
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