Lent Mid-Week 3
Hebrews 12:22-29; John 8:31-47
The things that shake our lives are often unpredictable and usually beyond our control. Like earthquakes that shake cities without notice and often with devastating results, unexpected life events such as illness, injury, unfaithfulness, job loss, victimization, and the sudden death of a loved one shake us to our very core. If we do not have something holding onto us like the glue that holds the glitter in a craft project, we will not remain whole when these events shake up our lives. But what can serve as such a glue? What can hold our lives together under the stresses of such destructive forces? What can keep us secure so that we will remain? Only “the things that cannot be shaken.” The problem is that there is nothing in this world that cannot be shaken.
Jesus provides us with the only refuge we have when we face the inevitable shakings of life. He said, “If you abide (i.e., remain) in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” His Word of truth not only frees us from depending on the things that can be shaken, it brings us into a new relationship with God as His children. No longer slaves to sin and death, we have been freed to be sons and daughters of the Lord. Jesus goes on to explain how this shapes our hope, focus, and expectations when things around us are being shaken: “The slave does not remain in the house forever, the son remains forever.” By grace through faith we are joined to Jesus as His brothers and sisters. He is the glue that holds us fast and secure when we are shaken — and we are certain to be shaken while we live out our lives in faithful service to Him in this broken and unsteady world. And, through His promise, we are just as certain to remain in His grace.
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