Exodus 3:1-15; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8, 13-17; Luke 20:27-40
As our culture’s celebrities try to outdo one another in exposing themselves through revealing clothing, it’s clear that we’ve let our casual attitudes go too far. While our culture once held to the axiom that “clothes make the man,” there seems to be little regard today for what was once accepted as proper dress. One example of this is how people dress for court appearances. While lawyers still dress up their clients to make a good (if misleading) impression of defendants, many others see no problem coming before the court wearing whatever’s comfortable. In some cases such people have been sent away until they can present themselves in attire suitable and with an attitude appropriate for approaching the court.
It’s the underlying attitude, rather than the outward clothing, that is the real problem we have in our culture. People see themselves as perfectly worthy of approaching whomever they care to (or have to) in whatever manner they feel like. If such an attitude is not tolerated by human judges, how much more harshly should such an attitude be dealt with by the Judge of all creation? Yet people continue to approach Jesus as though they are entitled to come into His presence and He should be happy that they’ve made any appearance at all. They approach Jesus just as smugly and confidently as the Sadducees did when they came challenging Him with their silly question about the Resurrection. What a contrast to the way that

How are you approaching Jesus? Do you have the attitude of the Sadducees and the people of our culture? Or do you shy away from God’s presence out of fear and shame? Actually, Jesus is inviting you to approach Him in an altogether different way: as one whom He considers worthy to attain the Resurrection, chosen by Him to be saved, and who can approach Him in the confidence that comes through His forgiveness. By His grace you can stand firm before Him now and in the day of judgment which is coming with the approaching Jesus.
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