Acts 11:1-18; Revelation 21:1-7; John 16:12-22
There are many people who do stand in God’s way, especially in His desire that all people would hear His Word and come to know His love and grace. It doesn't seem like a very good idea to stand in the way of the God who “opposes the proud, but gives grace to the poor” (James 4:6). Even Gamaliel, one of the most avid opponents of the Apostles, warned his fellow Jews to be careful about how they dealt with their efforts to share the Gospel, telling them that “if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!” (Acts 5:39). It’s a small thing for our God, who will one day destroy all created things to make a new heaven and a new earth, to crush anyone or anything that stands in His way. Yet there is a manner in which He has called us to stand in the way of God.
When we think of standing in God’s way as being present and visible as His representatives doing His work in the world, then it becomes clear in what manner we are called to stand in God’s way. Making such a stand is often unpopular and it may even lead us into great hardships and difficulties. You may feel inadequate for such an important task. You might even respond to His call to be His ambassador by saying “who am I that should stand in God’s way?” But you belong to the One who is making everything new. You have been called by Him and appointed to be His ambassador. He has made you a priest to the world and empowered You with His Word and Spirit. Who are you to stand in the way of God? You are the very person He has created, crafted, and called for this loving work.
Audio file of the sermon "Standing in the Way of God."
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