Daniel 12:1-3; Hebrews 10:11-25; Mark 13:1-13
The most terrifying roller coaster ride I've ever had wasn't on a state-of-the-art ride that puts riders through loops, corkscrews, or other upside-down experiences. It was on a classic wooden roller coaster called the Blue Streak at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio which, unlike modern coasters that securely strap the rider in, it didn't have fitted seats, restraining straps, or padded security bars. Instead it had low-backed, bench seats and plain pull down bar that didn't even touch our legs. I was certain that I was going to be thrown from the car during the ride. The coaster was frightening because it didn't have anything to hold onto.

Holding onto the grace, mercy, righteousness, and promises of Jesus is critical to dealing with the roller coaster ride of living in our fallen world. Holding onto Him for eternal life is even more critical. There is nothing else to hold onto when the “multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake.” Even before the day when all flesh will be resurrected “some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt,” eternal life will hang in the balance. People will come to deceive others, attack the truth, and deny the realities of heaven and hell. The world will plunge into the chaos of natural and man-made disasters. Everything the world has to offer for safety and security will crumble. Even then, Jesus, who promises that “he who stands firm to the end will be saved,” will be there for you to hold onto for your life.
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